So you want to be a tattoo artist?
In this day and age, there is an increased awareness of infection control in the tattoo studio environment. Artists and consumers are adapting to today’s standard of health and safety through education. To become a Professional Tattooist, it is important to have a background in art and design. It is also imperative you be educated in health; specifically bloodborne pathogens.
What is at risk?
There are more health hazards now than there has ever been in the past. It is absolutely important to take precautions against spreading diseases – deadly organisms that can be present without you ever suspecting them. Skin is a host or carrier to many potentially harmful bacteria. The process of being tattooed breaches this barrier and makes you susceptible to greater risks.
The general consensus of professional tattooists is that an apprenticeship under an experienced and established tattoo artist is the best way to learn this trade and the best way to prevent stupid, costly mistakes in this highly technical and many faceted industry. Especially the obvious danger of health risks to operator and client when inexperience is involved.
When looking for an artist to teach tattooing, you should follow the same criteria for finding an artist to tattoo you. Good luck.