Merchandise > Art Prints
Art Prints
Exclusive art prints created by our artists – available instore while stocks last.
Drop into the studio or message us to enquire or purchase.

Sir Oliver Fancyboy – Art Print – $30
A4 Limited-edition Colour Art Print by BrookeS
Ever stared up at the portrait of Sir Oliver Fancyboy while being tattooed and wanted him for your very own? Well now you can have him all to yourself and add him to your collection! Or get him as a gift for someone else – We’re not the boss of you.
This whimsical cat portrait features a yellow-green coloured background with yellow-green highlights. Despite that, this classy boy will look good anywhere.
This is a run of only 50 prints – Available while stocks last.

Organic Mandala – Art Print – $25
A4 Limited-edition Black/White Art Print by BrookeS
An intricate repeating pattern, expanding outward, ever outward, into infinity. Well, realistically, a mere A4 art print can’t go on for infinity, but you will still get lost in this. In a good way.
This vertically-oriented floral mandala will suit any frame and add character to any living space in your house.
This is a run of 25 prints – Available while stocks last.

Jackalope – Art Print – $25
A4 Limited-edition Black/White Art Print by BrookeS
A cunning, swift and fleeting jackalope – part stag, part rabbit, all mythical – originally hand-detailed in excruciating dotwork with pen.
Horizontal in orientation, this high-contrast black and white print will suit any frame and look perfect on your wall.
This is a run of 50 prints – Available while stocks last.